Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"Mighty Mouse"

...well, after (3) days, I finally found the missing trap, with NO animal attached.
I located the trap on the concrete this is what went down...
...(Mighty) mouse tripped the neckbreaker bar and inflicted a bloody wound upon itself in the then flopped around trying to get loose and splattered blood all over,
(see previous post), flip/flopped approx.
(3) feet to the north, then...fell (6) feet down to the concrete floor ... traveled (1) foot south and around the side of a 2x4 where I found the bloody trap ... empty ... no mouse,
no blood trail, nothing.
Now, I'm even more afraid to live here...with a wounded animal on the loose!

The first casualty was of average size and not "Mighty Mouse" as I found no visible wounds.
A day after the trap incident, I did see another rather large and bold mouse at the back of my computer desk lamp, travel up the 45 degree metal rod from the lamp base to the metal lamp shade...stand on it's hind legs...look around...and sniff...then turn around and travel back down the lamp and disappear...I couldn't believe it. He wasn't "Mighty Mouse" either...
he moved to gracefully...but I'll get him too.


Ca... said...

That last mouse might have been a relative of "Ben." If so, you're in a heap of trouble!

You need to get hold of Michael Jackson and ask him to come have a talk with his friend. Maybe he can take him back to the castle.

Christopher said...

What if Might Mouse was simply carted off and devoured by a pack of canibal tribe of Mice?

btw Have you heard any chanting in the middle of the night?